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Date: 8/6/2024
Subject: FETA Newsletter Summer 2024
From: FETA newsletter

Preserving the legacy trails of the Carolina foothills Hunting Country
Summer 2024

Hello FETA,

The year is already half over, which seems impossible. We are in the planning stages for our fall BBQ which is held in appreciation of our trail owners. See details below and put it on your calendars.

At the BBQ I will be winding up my term as president. These nine years on the FETA board and six years serving as president have flown by. I have been lucky to have such a great team of board members. Everyone on our board works hard as a volunteer for FETA as we endeavor to keep everything running smoothly for our trail owners and safe for our riders.

There has been a recent change to our board. Becky O’Neill, our technology guru who was instrumental in the transition to online membership has retired. We will miss you, Becky, and thank you for your contributions. The board voted to fill the open slot with trail owner, Shell Brodnax. Shell brings to the board expertise with the online membership system so that she can back up our membership chair as well as experience in event planning which will benefit our annual picnic and BBQ. We are lucky to bring these skill sets to the board.

Good news for our riders - we have recently had two trails added to the FETA system. One is a reopened trail that crosses Golden Rd between the Stoneybrook area and Skip’s Trails. The other - in progress - is a new trail that replaces the closed Kay’s Crossing and gets riders on the Peniel side from Honeyhill to Bill Collins Rd. Both trails were made possible by generous trail owners allowing FETA riders to come through their property. We thank you! And both required work from trail owners, our trail crew and volunteers who stepped up to clear and sign these trails. We are blessed with so many people dedicated to FETA and willing to get hot and sweaty for the benefit our our riding members.

Happy trails,


Welcome Our Newest Board Member, Shell Brodnax!

Shell Brodnax is the founder and CEO of the Real Estate Staging Association® (RESA®), a 501(c)(6) Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Trade Association for professional real estate stagers. With over 22 years in the industry, Shell is a renowned leader, visionary, author, business strategist, and global speaker in real estate staging.


Shell co-authored the Amazon best-seller "Home Staging: The Power That Sells Real Estate," offering a comprehensive guide for homeowners, agents, and investors on maximizing property value and attracting the right buyers.


As a motivating business strategist, Shell has empowered thousands of real estate entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and realize their potential. Her accolades include the Central Valley Women’s Council of Realtors Business Woman of the Year, Staging & Design Network Leader of the Year, and two-time Stevie Award finalist for Women in Business. She also hosts the podcast "Stager Talk."


Along with Shell’s professional career she has been involved in philanthropy for over 35 years. She was an Area Coordinator and Temperament Evaluator for SF Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue as well as raising over $100,000 for the group. She has also formed three non-profit organizations. Senior Saving Seniors, a senior dog rescue that catered to senior people, CHAMPS The Calaveras High Athletics Management Program Services that served the High School Athletics Department and she is the founder of RESA, the 501 C(6) organization. 

Shell owns Sisterhood Stables, a Boutique boarding facility in Columbus with her husband Chris. She has a Registered Paint, Brick, and Quarter Horse, Boo. Shell is excited to join the amazing board at FETA.

Our Trail Owner Appreciation BBQ is scheduled for October 10! Please click the link below to RSVP!
Annual Meeting and Trail Owner Appreciation BBQ RSVP - 10/10/2024

Fall 2024 Explorer Rides: Guides Needed!

Once again, we’d like to schedule some Explorer Rides for this fall, September through November. But for that we need guides.

If you’re familiar with a trail system, please consider volunteering to lead a ride. Explorer Rides are walk rides, open to FETA members only, and are approximately two hours long. There’s a maximum of six riders (including the guide) per ride. If you’re not sure about leading a ride on your own, feel free to have a co-guide with you. That works fine, too.

Explorer Rides are a perk that many members enjoy, but we need volunteer guides to keep them going. Please email me, Tara Boyce, at if you can lead a ride.

Include your name, email address, cell number, ride date, parking location, start time, and rain date (a rain date is optional.)

Thank you,

Tara Boyce


We want your trail photos!


We know you have lots of trail photos and Between the Ears photos that you’ve taken on the FETA trails! We want your photos to be highlighted in our quarterly newsletter! 

There should be no people in the photo, but a horse (or part of a horse) and / or a FETA sign is desirable. Send digital photos to Bergen at Along with the photo, send the name of the photographer and telephone number. The photo must be taken personally by the person submitting it and a submission grants FETA permission to use the photo in any way they choose.

Show off the trails you ride and send a photo by October 1, 2024 so we can display some of the entries at the FETA BBQ. But do be careful if taking pictures from the back of a horse! We love our members and want them – and their cameras - to be safe.

Beware Ground-Nesting Bees

Summer in our area can mean encounters with ground-nesting bees. The lead rider may notice bees about a foot above the trail indicating an entrance to a nest. Be alert so you can avoid bees. Discuss in advance with your riding partners how you will handle a bee swarm. Typically in the hunt field we yell “BEES!!” and gallop on so no rider gets delayed in the swarm. Your group may decide reversing direction is the best alternative.

If you know you are allergic and carry an EpiPen, be sure to have it on you and not on your horse should you become separated. Instruct a friend you ride with where you store the pen and how to operate it. To become less of a target, avoid perfume and scented shampoos and wear light colored clothing. Report any nests to the Trailmaster so we can alert riders and possibly destroy the nest.


FETA Flora & Fauna
It has been a great season for wildflower and wildlife (especially fawns) sightings on our FETA trails! Some photos from members are below!
Above: A young buck seen at Long Lane Farm
Photo by Faith Jorgenson
Above: Sweet William flower found at Long Lane Farm
Photo by Faith Jorgenson
Above: A flame azalea seen near Peniel Road
Above: Doe seen at Long Lane Farm
Photo by Faith Jorgenson
Above: A fawn seen near Peniel Road
Above: A fawn spotted near Peniel Road
Photo by Kathy Nebel

FETA Quick Reference
  •  Trails are on PRIVATE property and open to current FETA members only
  • Check Facebook group or trail status line (828-859-0133) before you ride to confirm trail status. Stay off trails when they are closed.
  • Members are required to wear an approved helmet while riding the FETA and FENCE trails. 
  • Current tags need to be displayed on the left side of your saddle.
  • Maximum 6 riders in a group.
  • Stay on marked trails, obey all signs.
  • Walk when approaching other riders, around fence lines and on poor footing. Stay to the edge of fields.
  • When passing through gates, leave them as you found them.
  • Mounted riding only; no ponying, no dogs, no hikers, no biking.
  • Do not eat, drink alcoholic beverages, litter or smoke on the trails.
  • Membership year is from May 1st until April 30th unless you have recently moved to the area.
  • Members may bring personal guests. A properly executed Guest Release must be submitted BEFORE the ride. Guests must be accompanied by their FETA member host on each ride.
  • Local resident guests may ride once per month as a guest. Guests must carry their signed Guest Release and current Coggins. 
  • The FETA parking decal should be displayed on the driver’s side rear window. 
  • FETA membership of an out of area rider expires when your horse is no longer boarded in the FETA area.



Complete rules at under "About Us" tab

FETA Parking Areas
FETA has three official parking areas. The entire system of trails may be accessed from these lots. The parking areas are all on private property. Do not clean out your trailer in a parking area. If your horse poops while tied to the trailer, scoop it up and take it home. 
From I-26, east or west. 
Take SC Exit #1 toward Landrum.
Go 1.5 miles, then turn right onto Bomar Road (look for the Land Mart on the corner). 
Go one short block, turn right onto Prince Road. 
Follow Prince Road for approximately 1.5 miles.
Turn left onto Hunting Country Road (just before the I-26 overpass). 
Follow Hunting Country Road for approximately 3/4 mile. 
The Equestrian Center entrance, Mane Gate Lane, will be on the left just before the I-26 underpass and the main FENCE entrance will be on the right just after the I-26 underpass. Just past this on the left is the FETA trailer parking area.
Peniel Road Parking 
Located on Peniel Road, 3/4 of a mile west of the intersection of Henderson Road, Luther Durham Road, and Peniel Roads. 
The driveway makes a loop; park inside this loop. 
Do not drive or ride your horses in the field.
In addition, there are unofficial parking areas. They are:
Finally Farm 
Located on Carriage Row, just before the intersection with Hunting Country Road.  
Several trails may be accessed. 
You may ride along Carriage Row when trails are closed. 
Riding on the roads is permissible when the trails are closed but be aware that you may not use a FETA trail to get to the road. 
Do not tie to fences.  
(Note that riders are asked NOT to park further down Carriage Row next to the tomato field when crops are being grown in the field.)
Fields Edge on River Road
With the paving of River Road between Morgan Chapel and Golden Road, parking on the shoulder near the bridge is no longer allowed. 
The area formerly used for trailer parking is now the path needed for horseback riders and carriage drivers to avoid having to walk on the paved road. 
Parking is permissible further down River Road on the grassed shoulder along the fence at Field's Edge.
Do not tie to the fence. 
Ride River Road in either direction to access FETA trails. 
Cross the Morgan Chapel Bridge to access trails to FENCE (left after crossing the bridge).
West End of River Road
There is room for parking along River Road almost to the western end, just past Appaloosa Lane. 
Access Rondo Ridge, Cotton Patch, and Hays Hollow.  
Remember that you may not ride when trails are closed or when it is dark. 
Information about vehicles, the date/time, vehicle tag numbers, both truck and trailer, are usually recorded by someone passing by in case a question arises which FETA needs to address.  
We take the protection of the best trail system on the East Coast seriously. 
Thank you for your help in maintaining it with us.

Quick Links
Kathy Nebel
FETA President
Dan McFerrin
Lynne Driscoll
Bergen Jorgenson Price
Kathleen Douglas
Trail Owner Relations

Call BEFORE you ride 828-859-0133 for trail status
To report trail issues (trees down, trail damage) click here.
Foothills Equestrian Trail Association