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Date: 10/5/2024
Subject: FETA: BBQ on October 10th is Cancelled
From: FETA picnic

Trail Owners and Members, the time did not feel right as we are all still reeling from Hurricane Helene to host a FETA gathering.  We felt our resources - both $$ and energy - would be better directed to restoring the trails.  We are putting together a plan to tackle the mess that has been left behind.  Watch the Facebook page for volunteer opportunities.  

The board transition will still take place on October 10th.  Dawnn Repp will be joining as the board’s newest member, Kathleen Douglas will be assuming the role of president and Larry Roselle as vice president.  Jean Wright and Tracey Evans will continue in their roles as treasurer and secretary respectively.

I will be rolling off the board after nine years, with six of those as your president.  I have thoroughly enjoyed all the relationships I have built over those years and considered the work a labor of love.  We are blessed to have our trails and will work to bring them back to life post Helene.

Kathy Nebel
Outgoing FETA President